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생산성 유틸리티 유틸리티 생산성
개발자: Ilias Ennmouri
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### Manuscript is a text editor developed to provide a good writing experience without any distractions and designed to give you all the freedom you need regarding your writers style

Encipher and decipher your texts to keep them safer

Night mode takes care of your eyes through a dark themed style

If you have iCloud enabled you can store your .txts across your devices

When enabled the counter shows you the current count of your characters and average read time displays you how long the average person would need to read the text

You can share your text/story through twitter and per email by using the menu or console

Write the following "commands" in the text editor and something will happen:
• /dark-mode = Sets windowStyle to dark
• /light-mode = Sets windowStyle to light
• /toggle-titlebar = shows/hides the windows titlebar
• /toggle-counters = shows/hides the character counter & read time display on the bottom left
• /send-tweet = posts current text on twitter
• /send-mail = opens new mail window with current text
• /encipher = encrypt text
• /decipher = decrypt text
• /quit = quits the application
• /help = shows you all commands

• Markdown processor
• Personalisation of theme and font
• Support for more file formats
• Inspirational quotes
• iOS Version
• Advanced share feature